Template:= Template:= CS6, CS6 Extended (13.0) CS6, CS6 Extended (13.0) Script error: No such module "ustring". Template:= Template:= Script error: No such module "ustring". Last release for Windows Vista RTM and Mac OS X Leopard on PowerPC Macs.First release to be distributed in DVD format.ImageReady functions directly integrated into Photoshop and no longer a separate application.
More complete 32 bit / HDR support (layers, painting, more filters and adjustments).
Alterations to Curves, Vanishing Point, Channel Mixer, Brightness and Contrast, and the Print dialog. Native support for the Intel-based Macintosh platform and improved support for Windows Vista. Universal Mac OS X, Windows XP SP2 or later Template:= Template:= CS3, CS3 Extended (10.0) CS3, CS3 Extended (10.0) Script error: No such module "ustring".